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A Woman, Crossdressed in Black Leathers, Started the Riots at Stonewall
Collection: East Coast FTM Group Organizational Records Institution: Sexual Minorities Archives Creator: Lesbian Connection, FTM Date: circa 1989 Topics: Battering, Crossdressing, Drag queens, FtMs, Lesbians, Police raids, Stonewall riots Subject: Anne Tracy, Harry Beard, Human Rights Campaign (HRC), John D'Emilio, Lesbian Tide, San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States 1940-1970, The Village Voice -
Adam's Word, Vol. 1 No. 1 (August, 1989)
Adam's Word, Vol. 1 No. 2 (September, 1989)
Collection: Adam's Word Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Adam Society Date: Sep. 1989 Topics: FtMs, Gender dysphoria, Life stories, Meetings, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Androgyny Unlimited, Louis G. Sullivan, Midi Onodera, Peter Stirling, Roger E. Peo, Seahorse Club, The Gathering, The XX Club -
Adam's Word, Vol. 1 No. 4 (November, 1989)
Beyond the Melting Pot
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: Independent Voices Creator: Wheatley, Mickey Date: Summer 1989 Topics: Activists, Demonstrations, Diversity, Gay liberation, Gender diversity, Government, LGBTI community, Normalization, Oppression, Patriarchy, Politics, Riots, Sexual diversity, Stonewall riots Subject: Judy Garland -
Eve Golden in Fried-Egg Hat, New York CIty (1980)
FTM Newsletter #10
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Dec. 1989 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Trans men Subject: Bodyshock, Claremont Counseling Center, FTM Get-Together, Harry Benjamin INternational Gender Dysphoria Association Symposium, Hidden a Gender, Lou Sullivan, Martin Rawlings-Fein, Social Group For TS Parents, T/S Crossing, The Well Known Troublemaker Description: Issue #10 of FTM International published in December 1989. Discusses symposium on surgery, letters from FTM's about surgery, announcements of social groups/upcoming events, a tribute to Michael Dil... -
FTM Newsletter #9
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Sep. 1989 Topics: Binding (Chest), Crossdressers, FtMs, Passing (Gender), Testosterone, Trans men, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Adam's Word, Americans with Disabilities Act, Billy Tipton Memorial Saxophone Quartet, Chez Mollet Restaurant, Claremont Counseling Center, Emmon, Fair Housing Act, FTM Get-Together, Gay Comix, Gay Freedom Day Parade, Gender Dysphoria Trust, Gender Minority Program, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Human Resources Committee, International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria, Michael Jackson, Partners in Process, Rupert Raj, Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Stonewall Inn, Stonewall Rebellion, The Adam Society Description: Issue #9 of FTM International published in September 1989. Includes several open letters, a recap of the tenth FTM Get-Together, and a trans comic. -
LadyLike No. 5
Collection: LadyLike Institution: Transgender Oral History Project Creator: Creative Design Services Date: 1989 Topics: Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag, Drag queens, Gender identity, MtFs, Photographic models, Transgender culture, Transgender identity, Transgender people Subject: Dressing For Pleasure, Jennifer Wells, Morgan Stevens Description: Also known as: "Lady like" and "Ladylike Magazine." ; Contents: Features-Ladylike profile -- Dressing for pleasure -- Ladylike profile The incredible shrinking tran -- Departments-Girl Talk -- A mo... -
Letter from Wei-Li to Rupert Raj (September 1, 1989)
Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera at Pride March, 1989
Collection: Marsha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera Collection Institution: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center Creator: Date: 1989 Topics: Black transgender people, Latino/a/x transgender people, LGBTQ+ activism, LGBTQ+ demonstrations, Trans women, Transfeminine people, Transgender political activists Subject: Marsha P. Johnson, New York City Pride, Stonewall, Sylvia Rivera Description: A picture of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera wearing Stonewall sashes at a pride event in New York City in 1989. The photograph was taken around Madison Square Park. -
NOELLE "Forced to be Female...Forever" Vol. 3
NOELLE "Forced to be Female...Forever" Vol. 4
Person at New York City Pride March, Wearing Flamenco Dress
Collection: Miscellaneous Photographs Institution: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center Creator: Date: 1985 to 1989 Topics: LGBTQ+ activism, LGBTQ+ demonstrations, Transfeminine people, Transgender people Subject: New York City Pride Description: Transfeminine person at New York City Pride March wearing a flamenco dress with a fruit headdress. -
Renaissance News, Vol. 3 No. 5 (May 1989)
Collection: Renaissance News & Newsletters Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Renaissance Education Association Date: May 1989 Topics: Cosmetics, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Events, Money, Religions, Sexual minorities, Shopping, Transgender rights, Transphobia, Transsexual people Subject: Chicago Gender Society, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), The Mayor's Commission on Sexual Minorities (MCSM), Transgender Issues Work Group (TIG)