Digital Transgender Archive
- Chanelle Pickett1
- Circulo Cultural Gay1
- Closet de Sor Juana1
- Colectivo Gay, Lesbico y Bisexual Puertorriqueño1
- Crystal Marie Schwenk1
- Dana Priesing1
- Deborah Forte1
- Demit Demir1
- Departamento de Derechos Humanos de la Arquidiocesis de Mexico1
- Dia Internacional por la Vida Lesbica y Homosexual1
- FTM, Significant Others, Family, Friends, and Allies True Spirit Conference1
- Gay and Lesbian Equality Network1
- Gender Shock1
- Helsingin Seudun Seta1
- Hermaphrodites With Attitude (HWA)1
- Hidalgo Unido por la Salud1
- International Day for Lesbian and Gay Life1
- International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)1
- Intersex Society of North America1
- Jamison Green1