Digital Transgender Archive
- First Amendment1
- Flikker Network1
- Frida Kahlo1
- From Female to Male: The Life of Jack Bee Garland1
- From Peniplastica Totalis to Reassignment Surgery of the External Genitalia in Female-to-Male Transsexuals1
- Gay & Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California1
- Gay and Lesbian International Film1
- Gender Anonymous1
- Gender Bent1
- Gender Day Tea Dance1
- Gender Dysphoria: A Guide to Research1
- Gender Education and Advocacy (GEA)1
- Gender Identity Center Newsletter1
- Gender Identity Center of Colorado, Inc.1
- Gender Worker Award1
- GenderPAC1
- George Mason University1
- Gianna Eveling Israel1
- Gift Center Pavilion1
- Girl-Spot (Endup)1