Digital Transgender Archive
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- Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association4
- Leslie Lothstein4
- Louis G. Sullivan4
- Metamorphosis4
- International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)3
- John Money3
- Journal of a Transsexual3
- Roberto Farina3
- Female-To-Male Transsexualism2
- Information for the Female to Male Crossdresser and Transsexual2
- Leo Wollman2
- Mario Martino2
- Presentations of Gender2
- Rupert Raj2
- Self Help Association for Transsexuals (SHAFT)2
- The Gathering2
- The XX Club2
- Transexualismo: Do Homem A Muylher Normal Atraves Dos Estados De Intersexualidade E Das Parafilias2
- Academisch Ziekenhuis Vrije Universiteit1
- American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)1