Digital Transgender Archive
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- International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)4
- Americans with Disabilities Act1
- Amnesty International1
- Bill Clinton1
- Charles Baird1
- Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association1
- HBIGDA Standards of Care for Hormonal and Surgical Sex Reassignment of Gender Dysphoric Persons1
- Helen Cassidy1
- Magnus Hirschfeld1
- Marlene Dietrich1
- Mirror Image: The Odyssey Of A Male-To-Female Transsexual1
- Nancy Hunt1
- National Organization for Women (NOW)1
- Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS)1
- Sister Mary Elizabeth1
- Texas Women's Political Caucus1
- Title VII1
- Transvestites: The Erotic Drive to Cross-Dress1